Friday, November 30, 2012

Flipped work 11/3-12/3

Students will complete their Physical and Political Maps of Europe.  The following resources can be used:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Flipped Homework 11/15-16/2012
Complete the physical and political maps of Central America and the Caribbean.  This will facilitate our discussion of land use in the region.
Use the following links to help you:
Political Map:
Physical Map:

Friday, November 2, 2012

Flipped homework 11/2-11/5

Tonight's homework is to complete the population pyramids for the US, and two other countries of your choice, from the provided data.  Also, please view this video to prepare yourself for discussion in our next class.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Homework - Flipped classroom 10/23

For tonight's homework, students will complete a political map of the US and Canada. 
Here is a helpful link:
Scroll down about halfway and there are very useful maps to show the provinces and states. 
Thank you,
Mr. Izor

Friday, October 19, 2012

Homework- Flipped Classroom 10/18-19

This weekend's homework is an introductory packet titled "Political Geography."  It will introduce the concepts we will be covering the week of 10-22.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homework 10/8-9

Tonight's homework is the "Reading a Climograph" graphic organizer.  If you were absent, make sure to come pick it up from me in room 229.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homework 9/25-26

Hello Students and Parents!!!
Tonight's homework is as follows:
Complete the US/Canada Sketch map- remember this is a quiz grade- worth 20% of your average!
This link can help:
US Canada Physical Map
Then: watch the following:

Be prepared to answer the following questions:
1.  What is the difference between physical and chemical weathering?
2.  What are three types of erosion?
3.  What is silt?
4.  How does glaciation occur?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homework 9/19-20

Homework 9/19-9/20

Please watch the following videos to prepare for our discussion.  Remember:  there will be a quiz over this homework and the previous assignment (seasons).
Be prepared to answer the following questions:
1.  What causes earthquakes?
2.  How did the most powerful earthquake measure on the richter scale?
3.  What causes Tsunamis?
4.  What are some of the consequences of Earthquakes and Tsunamis?


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homework 9/12-13

Homework 9/12-13

Please watch the following video and be prepared to answer the following questions:
1.  What causes the seasons?
2.  At what angle is the Earth tilted?
3.  What season is the Northern Hemisphere pointed at the sun?


World Geography
Mr. Izor
841-9761 Room 229

This college preparatory course is designed to create informed, active, and effective citizens.  I have high expectations for every student. 

Course Description:  Students develop a spatial understanding of Earth’s surface and the processes that shape it, the connections between people and places, and the relationship between man and his environment.  There will be strong interdisciplinary connections as well.

Classroom Expectations
Respect Yourself:
            Respect yourself as the young man or woman that you are.   Sit up, act responsibly, don’t                         chew gum, look sharp. 

Respect Others:
            Don’t yell out, tease, or harass anyone else in the classroom or building.  Don’t interrupt                class.  Behavior that interferes with the classroom learning environment will not be                       tolerated.  EVERYBODY will be treated with respect.

Respect the Environment:  Keep the room clean. Listen to others, respect the learning environment by being on time and prepared.  Food and electronic devices WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

Be On Time:
            Tardiness and absences will be dealt with according to school policy.

Be Prepared:
            Each student needs to come to class with the following: 
            A 1”-3” binder for Geography ONLY
            3 Notebook Dividers
            A black or blue pen
            Your textbook

Raise Your Hand:
            If you have something to say, raise your hand.  Wait for the teacher to acknowledge you.

Come to Learn

            Work missed because of excused absences will be made up in a timely fashion.
            Work missed because of unexcused absences cannot be made up.

Procedures for Every Day
1.  Shake the teacher’s hand as you enter the room 
2.Enter Class and immediately go to assigned seat
3.  Look at board for “Do Now” assignment
4.  Begin “Do Now” assignment
5.  Follow teacher's instructions
6.  Class is dismissed by the teacher, NOT THE BELL

“Warm Up” Assignments  There will be a “Warm Up” assignment EVERY DAY

Homework  There will be homework EVERY week.  Homework will be checked weekly.  A notebook check will also count for a homework grade.  Proofread your work.

Format  Every assignment must have the title of the assignment centered or left justified, and  the following in the upper right corner:
Projects  All projects and book reports are due on the dates assigned.  Late assignments will be graded as F, and may be made up within a certain timeframe, with the resulting grade being averaged with the F.

Revision Policy  Students who have given genuine effort on the first attempt to complete an assignment/assessment will be given the opportunity to revise it.  There is a one-week time limit for accepting revisions. 

Small Projects and Quiz grades - 30%
Class Participation, Homework, Do Now Assignments, - 20%
Unit Projects and Tests - 50%

Help  I am available to help with any questions before or after school, during my planning periods, during lunch, and by appointment.  I am more than willing to meet at any time with parents. 


Welcome to Mr. Izor's World Geography blog.  It is a useful one-stop to access your homework, important due dates, testing dates, and assignments for our Geography class.  My email is and my phone number is (512)841-9761.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can help you in any way!