Friday, February 24, 2017

UNICEF Refugee Lesson

Here is the introduction with the vocabulary:

Here is the article with the questions:

Here are the follow up questions:
One Boy’s Life on the Move (page 4)
How would you react if Mustapha’s story were yours? What challenges might you face adjusting to life in a new country? What would you miss most? What would you hope to get from your new country?

Closer to Home: Child Migrants from Latin America (page 7)
Should the United States take in children and families facing harm at home—or should we tighten our borders while we deal with threats from abroad and economic uncertainty at home?

What can you do in your personal life and in your larger
community to welcome and support immigrants and other

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Europe Study Guide

Part 1 of the study guide (you must be logged into the cloud):

Part 2:
Why didn’t Hitler invade Switzerland?
Which mountains separate Spain from France?
Which mountains are in France, Austria, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland?
When did the Spanish Inquisition occur?
What did the Spanish dictator Franco do to discourage Hitler from invading?
Spain, Portugal, Italy and France are predominantly which religion?
What is the Industrial region in Germany and France?
Which countries were taken over by Hitler without a fight
List some examples of British colonies. 
Which country was part of Hitler’s plan to move into Africa?

Written Prompt:
How did the physical landscape of Europe  influence the course of the war?